The core of Patton’s livelihood is consulting, which he has done for 30 years. “Most everything I have learned has been from my clients.” admits Patton.
In reality, he must make some contribution, or why would some clients retain him for over 25 years?

Patton consults with farmers in North Africa.
Pet Food Companies

Exercise is the best diet.
The dry pet food market is what is termed a mature sector, with growth rate diminished compared to years past. Alternatives to dry pet food are appearing in many markets. Manufacturers and entrepreneurs must be creative and aggressive in winning new market share. Patton can provide the formulation expertise as well as the marketing position to enhance sales. Dr. Patton is available to assist his clients in the education of their customer base, and advise on matters of regulation and quality assurance.
The overriding concern of zoo professionals about the nutrition of their collection is they want to know if they are doing anything wrong. Dr. Patton will evaluate every diet of every animal in the collection, and compare the analysis with nutrition fundamentals, as well as any known requirements specific to individuals. Seminars are offered for zoo staff. Patton’s programs usually result in a 10% reduction in food costs.
The horse is one of the easiest animals to feed, but the most often fed incorrectly. A major problem for most horse owners is to evaluate the hundreds of nutrition supplements on the market: Are they needed, do they work, are they fairly priced? Many people supplement their horse, but don’t know if it is working or have any grasp of the impact on the overall cost of owning a horse.
If you got new business in agriculture, you stole it from someone else. Agriculture is not a growth industry, and survival in such markets demands innovation and bold action. Patton specializes in new product design and introduction, and sales team training.
Modern animal food production requires ever increasing sophistication as competition and demand force greater efficiency. A technical breakthrough is rarely owned exclusively, and its promotion in the face of competition requires deft education and careful application. Patton has years of experience advocating for specific product concepts based on solid biochemical insight. In technical talks, or in cooperating with sales people, his credibility and education enhance sales potential.
For over three decades, Dr. Patton has been a dairy nutrition consultant to nearly every major dairy shed in the world. His advice is never compromised by a conflicting position with products for sale. He only recommends in the best interest of the cow and the owner of the cow.
Along with a wide range of animal nutrition consulting services, Dr. Patton now also provides stimulating lectures covering his nutritional outlook based upon the environmental factors that formed animal’s digestive systems. Both our companion and agricultural animals evolved in the same historical environment as humans, so much of Dr. Patton’s views on nutrition apply towards people as well.